Below are the steps taken in order to rename a camera in your Geovision System.
1. Click on the Wrench Icon in the top right corner, then click on "Configure" (The Gear Icon) for the pop-up window that comes up:
2. Click on "Camera Install":
3. Scroll down to the Camera you want to rename, in this case, we are renaming Camera 18, and click on the Wrench Icon (Please note, sometimes the window is too large to fit onto the screen, and you will have to drag the window to the side in order to be able to see the Wrench Icon):
4. Click on the "Camera Name" field and change the name to whatever you would like, for this camera, we are changing it to "Wash Stack 1":
5. Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the screen (Please note, sometimes the window will be too big to fit on the screen, if you are unable to see the "OK" button, you can press "Tab" on your keyboard 3 times and hit enter):
6. The name will change for the camera after a few seconds:
7. Close out of this window (Please note, sometimes the "X" button in the top right corner is on another screen, and you might have to manually move the window to be able to click on it):
8. The name will update automatically on the grid, renaming complete: